Karina Schumacher has become accustomed to taking on new challenges time and again. The starting point is always her heartfelt issue: environmental protection. The German ecologist moved to the South Korean capital Seoul six years ago. On behalf of Mission 21 and the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS), she began her work there with the Presbyterian Church of South Korea (PROK) in the area of environmental education. She learned Korean, familiarized herself with local customs and made important contacts. Soon, however, Karina Schumacher ventured a new beginning: she moved away from the big city of Seoul to the city of Yeongju, further in the south of the country. In order to be closer to "her" river, the Naeseong, whose preservation she is committed to through her work at the PROK's environmental education center.
During a visit to Basel, she talks about this step and summarizes: "I thought I knew Korean - but because of the dialect, I practically started learning all over again in Yeongju. I also thought I knew what made people in Korea tick - but in my new place of residence, the mentality is completely different from that in the capital, Seoul." Karina Schumacher laughs. "You grow with the challenges.
And there is no shortage of challenges - but Karina Schumacher also seems to be looking for them. As soon as she arrived in Yeongju, she started a new project: the environmental education café NARI. With the help of new friends from the community, she turned a run-down room into a cozy meeting place where, among other things, lectures and discussions on environmental protection take place. "Anyone who wants to can find out about environmental issues here and gets opportunities to get actively involved," says Karina Schumacher. "Those who don't want to, just get a coffee - also good".
Mission 21's commitment to Karina Schumacher's position expires at the end of 2017, ending a productive collaboration. Karina Schumacher has decided to stay in South Korea. The contract was limited from the beginning and was extended for another year at the end of 2016 due to Karina's successful work. EMS will remain involved for another year. What comes after that? Karina Schumacher laughs: "I don't know yet. But I am used to starting over again and again". May Karina Schumacher also grow from this challenge - Mission 21 thanks her for her great commitment and dedication.