Archive events
Here you will find reviews of past events. Some events are also accessible as full-length video recordings and can be viewed free of charge. If you have any questions or suggestions, we look forward to hearing from you: ► E-mail
Webinar Dossiers
International Forum on interfaith and transcultural peacebuilding
Many of Mission 21's partner churches and organizations live in crisis and conflict regions. Therefore, interreligious and transcultural peace work is a central theme of cooperation.
Decolonize Aid?
An honest look at the continuing power imbalance in development cooperation and a joint search for new strategies for cooperation at eye level. With partner institutions from four continents.
Mission and Church - between racism and respect
The history of Europe's worldwide missionary activity is ambivalent: There are examples of respectful encounters as well as Western arrogance or even racist behavior. How are mission history and today's church relations perceived from perspectives in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe?
Mission - Colonialism Revisited
What role did Christian missionary societies play in the context of slavery and colonialism? Are there historical points of contact with racism and discrimination? Mission 21 brings the multi-layered history of mission, colonialism and slavery into focus in order to sharpen the focus for the current social debate on racism and discrimination.