November 14, 2024 is Future Day!

Apply now and answer the following questions by September 16, 2024:

 Why would you like to take part in Mission 21's Future Day?

 Is there a country that particularly interests you? If so, why?

 Which of the following four topics interest you?

Food, education, health, peace

 What global issue are you most concerned with at the moment?

Registration future day

Maximum file size: 32MB

Accident and liability insurance is the responsibility of the legal guardians

Impressions from the Future Day 2023

Film tips

Here you will find various short films from our projects on the topics of education, nutrition and health.

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Hope thanks to your support

Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

PO Box 270
Missionsstrasse 21
4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

Donation account Switzerland:
IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
Tax exemption number:

Donation account Germany:
Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
BLZ: 683 500 48
IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
Account No. : 1032333

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