Environmental projects in Costa Rica

While it's burning in the Amazon, it's raining cats and dogs in Costa Rica. But despite the rainy season, the climate crisis is on people's minds. Their new Newsletter Simone Dollinger and Angel Román are therefore devoting this issue primarily to the environment. They report on Costa Rica's visionary energy and environmental policy, present an environmental project of the Latin American Bible University UBL and also record what their daughter Alma (9) has to say on the subject of waste.

Simone Dollinger is coordinator for the theological area of Mission 21's Latin America program, Angel Román is a lecturer in theology and coordinator for research and networking at UBL.

We wish you a stimulating read!

► Read newsletter (PDF)

► About the project

Newsletters are personal experience reports of our international employees. They do not necessarily reflect the view of Mission 21.

► Event Notice: On November 5 at 6:30 p.m., a public lecture evening will take place in Basel, where Angel Román will discuss with rapper Black Tiger how the role of men is changing in Latin America and in Europe. More info about the event can be found here.


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