And the 2019 Marga Bührig Award goes to....

Evelyne Zinsstag, member of the Women and Gender Commission of Mission 21. Photo: Mission 21

Evelyne Zinsstag is a former staff member of Mission 21 and a current member of the Women and Gender Commission of Mission 21. She studied theology in Zurich, Basel and Bern and discovered her interest in feminist theology during her studies. This is also reflected in her master's thesis entitled: "Ganz Frau - ganz Mensch. Marga Bührig, Else Kähler, Ruth Epting and Women's Celibacy in the 1950s." Her effort paid off. Evelyne Zinsstag's master's thesis is awarded the Marga Bührig Prize.

The Marga Bührig Prize aims to promote feminist liberation theological research and its communication. The prize is an effective means of increasing the visibility of women and feminist issues in theological and religious studies research.

We are very pleased that Evelyne Zinsstag has received this award and we congratulate her warmly.

The award ceremony will take place on Friday, October 25, 2019, at the Basel Literaturhaus and is open to the public.

► Event flyer award ceremony

► Marga Bührig Foundation

► Staff Unit Women and Gender Mission 21

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Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

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