Earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia cause many deaths

The earthquake and tsunami caused great damage and claimed many lives. Photo: PGI

The CIP's deputy general secretary, Rev. Krise Gosal, flew to the affected area to support the people on the ground. With the help of local churches, she is helping to coordinate a solidarity and relief network with local authorities.

The damage in the region is huge. More than 1,000 people have died as a result of the natural disaster. Many more are missing or stuck somewhere, desperately waiting for help. Many roads are badly damaged, the power grid is down, and the communication system is out of order. Fuel, food and water are becoming scarce.

Local church congregations have also suffered many casualties. Church buildings have collapsed or fallen to the ground. Communication is extremely difficult.

Many church members are searching for their relatives and acquaintances or are busy with the funeral of their close ones. Nevertheless, pastors of the affected parishes in the district capital Palu have already set up a first emergency shelter for the homeless. Neighboring churches are collecting among their relatives and through their inter-religious networks and transporting food to the disaster area under the most difficult circumstances. â–º Read full report (English)

Our thoughts and prayers are with the affected people in Indonesia.

You too can support the current emergency aid of the Indonesian Federation of Churches PGI! Donate via the account below with the reference: "Emergency relief Sulawesi". We will forward all donations with the appropriate note to the PGI.

Mission 21
Missionsstrasse 21
PO Box 270
CH-4009 Basel

Donation account: 40-726233-2
IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2



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Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

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