Pumpkin soup for peace

Soup to kick off the campaign. The collection will benefit Mission 21's peace work. Photo: Miriam Glass

With the peace campaign, we are focusing on courageous people who are doing peace work under difficult conditions in our partner countries. For example, Yunita Tan and Wawan Gunawan from Indonesia. They told the visitors about their activism for interreligious peace in Indonesia.

Yunita Tan and Wawan Gunawan, peace activists from Indonesia. Photo: Miriam Glass

The campaign film documenting the unusual friendship of two women in South Sudan was also well received. Elizabeth Nyayuk and Elizabeth Deng belong to two hostile ethnic groups. Yet they are committed to working together for peace. The ethnic civil war in South Sudan lasted five years and claimed over 400,000 lives.

Peace is still fragile and the country faces great challenges. There is hunger, many are traumatized and live a life of poverty. People from different ethnic groups distrust each other. Elizabeth Deng and Elizabeth Nyayuk are working together to try to overcome these rifts. Together, they are committed to the church's peace work and work tirelessly to reunite the people of South Sudan.

We received great support on Saturday from the Soup' Mobil of the Reformed Church Kleinbasel. Their confirmands cooked soup and gave it away in exchange for a donation that goes to Mission 21's peace work. The fine pumpkin soup was gone within a short time on Saturday.

The fine pumpkin soup attracted numerous visitors. Photo: Miriam Glass

Other well-attended soup events over the weekend contributed to the successful start of the campaign. With the donations generated, we can work effectively and sustainably for peace in South Sudan and elsewhere. Together, we want to ensure that peace can continue to grow. Because peace grows with us.

► Further info and event information on the peace campaign

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Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

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Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

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