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Youth Ambassador Program
Intercultural exchange now!
2023 - Kickoff

In the first year of the three-year program, you will get to know the other Youth Ambassadors from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Introductory modules prepare you for the intercultural exchange. You will deal with urgent topics such as peace, justice, education, environmental protection and intercultural sensitivity.

The world as a guest
2024 - The world as a guest

For the second year, youth ambassadors from Africa, Asia and Latin America will travel to Switzerland. As a host, you discuss with them topics that move you.

A guest in the world
2025 - A guest in the world

In the third year, you will travel to a country in Africa, Asia or Latin America and gain an insight into local life. In addition, you will get to know projects of Mission 21 partners. You reflect on your experiences with other participants and complete the program and receive a certificate for inter- and transcultural competence from the Institute for Communication and Leadership (IKF) in Lucerne.

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The world as a guest
A guest in the world
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14+ countries

Network and meet people from Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America.

60+ participants

Become part of a network of over 60 alumni and current Youth Ambassadors.


"I haven't experienced 'safe places' many times before. So the time in Switzerland with the other youth was like a miracle to me. Without trust, there is no safe place."

Minha, South Korea

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"With the experience from the program, I will try to build more bridges in the future, be a changemaker and contribute to a more peaceful world."

Marina, Switzerland

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"The program was an opportunity for me to expand my knowledge. Especially in learning to relate to people from an entirely different culture with a different perspective to almost everything."

Janet, Nigeria


"Spending time with friends from other places, makes us rich! In this program, I learned from the other's stories and perspectives. And I was able to bring in my own experiences. So we strengthened each other as young people. We're not alone in facing the challenge of bringing Christian Faith into this world. We are young, and we can do the good things for this world"

Januar, Indonesia

The international education and exchange program offers young adults from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America the opportunity to meet across cultural boundaries. Participants discuss pressing issues in a globalized world and exchange ideas to find solutions.

Time expenditure

  • 2 preparation weekends per year
  • two-week visit of the international youth ambassadors
  • two-week trip to a country in Africa, Asia or Latin America
  • a few hours of self-study

The program is easily compatible with studies, work or school. Are you planning a longer stay abroad and are unsure whether you can still participate? Contact us, we will surely find a solution.

Goals of the program

Young adults gain insight into a different context, reflecting and exchanging views on social, political, economic and religious aspects from different perspectives.

Young adults improve their competencies in inter- and transcultural as well as interreligious communication. This enables them to act as agents of change in a pluralistic society and to work for peaceful coexistence.

Young adults acquire skills and are aware of plurality/diversity for jobs and tasks in their societies and churches.

The international youth exchange strengthens the international network of young adults who work as youth ambassadors for peace, justice and environmental protection.


There are no more places available in the current program phase (2023-2025). The next program phase is expected to begin in 2026. 

We say thank you!

The current program (2023-2025) is generously supported by the Movetia Foundation and the Wegweiser Foundation.

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The young@Mission21 team

We are Barbara, Nina, Sarah and Seraina. If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Hope thanks to your support

Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

PO Box 270
Missionsstrasse 21
4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

Donation account Switzerland:
IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
Tax exemption number:

Donation account Germany:
Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
BLZ: 683 500 48
IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
Account No. : 1032333

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