Mathias Waldmeyer
Team leader and program manager Asia
Tel: +41 (0)61 260 22 63
â–º E-mail
India was one of the first areas of operation for the Basel Mission, the largest supporting organization of Mission 21. In India, around 80 percent of the people are Hindus. Christians make up 2.4 percent. With the support of Mission 21, the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS) works together with the "Church of South India" (CSI) to protect and promote the disadvantaged. A special focus is on the promotion of girls. The social commitment of the partner church has a long tradition.
Although India is now an emerging economic power, the illiteracy rate is 30 percent (as of 2018). Girls and young women are particularly affected. CSI is committed to improving educational opportunities for girls and hands-on learning for the disadvantaged population. The church maintains hospitals, schools and kindergartens. With almost four million members and 15,000 congregations, the CSI is one of the largest Protestant churches in India. In addition to promoting women and girls, Mission 21 supports the CSI in its efforts to promote religious diversity in India and interreligious dialogue.
India has developed strongly economically in recent years. Nevertheless, there are millions of people who are very poorly off and live in slums. Children from economically weak families have a hard time finding a way out of poverty. Poverty does not allow children to go to school, instead they have to help earn money. Education remains out of reach for many, especially girls. They are the first to help in the household, work in the fields, have to break stones in the quarries for a few rupees, or get married off. Mission 21 supports its partner church in southern India, which is building children's homes and training centers.
The children's homes offer girls in particular a better perspective on life. They can escape child labor or difficult family circumstances and go to school. Education enables them to break out of the vicious circle of poverty and violence. The homes also promote interreligious dialogue and peace: Children from Christian, Hindu and Muslim families live together in the homes. The homes enable the children to attend school and give them a home that offers protection and security.
The EMS is part of the partner network of Mission 21. The EMS and Mission 21 have a long-standing professional cooperation. Mission 21 supports the work of the EMS and the CSI in India financially. The projects in India are the responsibility of the EMS. Mission 21 receives regular reports from them.
Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel
PO Box 270
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4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20
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