Education determines what we harvest in the future.

Thank you for your donation!

Nigeria is by far the most populous country in Africa. Around 225 million people live in the West African state and the population is constantly increasing. Poverty is high and Nigeria's agriculture is under pressure, also due to climate change. We show how important education is for ecologically sustainable development - in Nigeria and also in Switzerland.

Support us so that our partners in Nigeria can train even more farmers.

Yes, I donate...

"If I could feed my family by farming, I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore."
Ladi Zachariah, farmer from Nigeria

Ladi Zachariah lives with her sons in northeastern Nigeria. She grows beans, peanuts and corn to feed her family. But the harvests are poor and Ladi says, "We don't have enough to eat." The soil is becoming more infertile, and climate change is causing more frequent droughts and floods.

Although Ladi has been working in the fields since her youth, the knowledge passed down to her is not helpful enough. That's why the educational opportunities offered by our local partners are important to her. She says, "I have learned a lot and will pass that on to others."

Our film shows the environment in which Ladi lives and works and the importance education has for her.

vimeo video thumbnail

The situation in Nigeria is precarious

Due to the rapid population growth, the The available agricultural area per capita decreases.

About 40 % of the population lives below the poverty line and is on Self-sufficiency reliant.

The widespread cultivation with synthetic fertilizers depletes the soil and reduces its fertility.

The situation is particularly difficult in the northeast of the country, where climate change is affecting crops and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent.

Deforestation, erosion and the pollution caused by waste and contaminated groundwater additionally reduce the soil quality.

What Mission 21 and its partners do

Our partner organizations train farmers and farm women in the northeast in sustainable agriculture, mixed crops and environmentally friendly pest control methods.

Our partner organization promotes energy-efficient stoves with practical building instructions and financial resources.

Sensitization for the planting of trees

Mission 21 promotes in Switzerland with educational events and action ideas an environmentally friendly and resource-efficient lifestyle.

Education and Food Sovereignty in Nigeria

We achieved this in 2022 through our project work in Nigeria:



Farmers trained for agroecological cultivation



Farmers and farmers trained on
"Farmer's Field Day."



Farmers and farm women sensitized
for planting trees



Residents in five villages learned how to build energy-efficient stoves.

Support us with a donation or the purchase of our Christmas cards

Christmas cards

Order our original Christmas cards with illustrations of regional food from Nigeria and Switzerland.

With your purchase you support our educational projects in Nigeria and Switzerland for an ecologically sustainable development.

Seasonal calendar - for our climate

The seasonal calendar helps us to buy seasonally and regionally. In this way, we can all contribute to our health and the climate.

Available free of charge in our store.


Education to enjoy: World Arts with Music and Poetry

Also bookable in your parish.

"World Arts" is a one-hour musical-poetic journey around the world.

The duo Rebecca Hagmann and Priska Stampfli is inspired by melodies and songs from all continents. It takes us around the world with cello and accordion. Poems from other cultures open up a new understanding and other approaches to a world full of
fascinating differences. Plus garden poetry about growing and becoming: in nature, in creation, in life.

duo rebecca priska

Sunday, September 17, 2023, 5 to 6 p.m.

World Arts

in the garden pavilion of Mission 21 in Basel. Followed by snacks, drinks and garden walk. Free admission, collection for Mission 21.

â–º To the registration

drawing area 1

Future Day at Mission 21

Do you also want to work for a fairer world? Then join Mission 21 for Future Day on November 9, 2023. at Mission 21. You will get an insight into international development cooperation, global contexts and the various professions at a non-profit organization.

â–º Register now!

Our project managers

yakubu joseph

Yakubu Joseph
Coordinator Nigeria

"The problem of food insecurity requires adaptation. Agricultural practices must adapt to the problems of climate change. Appropriate technologies will be used that can meet people's needs based on available resources."

janet kefas

Janet Kefas
Agricultural scientist and participant in Mission 21's Youth Embassy Program.

"Farmers often do not have the necessary means to run their businesses. Access to capital should be made easier. Furthermore, more jobs would have to be created for agricultural students."

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Carola Jaeckel
Program Managers Nigeria
Mission 21

100 years of EYN: Jochen Kirsch and joel Billi in Abuja. Photo Yakubu Joseph

100 years of EYN: Great anniversary celebrations in Nigeria

The Church of the Brethren in Nigeria (EYN) is an important partner organization for Mission 21. Together we work for peacebuilding, education and food sovereignty. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of EYN, Jochen Kirsch, Director of Mission 21, traveled to Abuja to celebrate together with the church leadership and the population and to bring greetings from our worldwide network.

â–º Read post

The team of the BIrsmattehof in Therwil, Baselland. Nicole Tanner is the third from the left.

When happiness is suddenly so close

How can we ourselves contribute to a more sustainable food system? We interviewed farmer Nicole Tanner from Birsmattehof, an organic farm in Therwil near Basel, about these questions. On the Birsmattehof, vegetables have been grown according to the Bio Suisse guidelines since 1981. Seasonally appropriate and diverse.

â–º Read interview

Hope thanks to your support

Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

PO Box 270
Missionsstrasse 21
4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

Donation account Switzerland:
IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
Tax exemption number:

Donation account Germany:
Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
BLZ: 683 500 48
IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
Account No. : 1032333

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