Mission 21: Outreach at eye level

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Cooperation at eye level: employees of Mission 21 and the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon. Photo: zVg

Co-operation on an equal footing - this should be the strategy of a mission or relief organization in their work with partner organizations in the global South today. This is how Alexandra Flury-Schölch sums up the current working attitude of Mission 21 in the article in the newspaper reformed.köniz to the point. The occasion for the article is a series of lectures that Flury-Schölch is holding on the topic of "Mission - then and now" in the parish of Wabern.

In the dialogically designed information evenings, the speaker vividly demonstrates how Mission 21 works through its own history in a transparent and self-critical manner. In the third and last lecture (Thursday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m.), she will also explain what missionary work "at eye level" looks like today. Under the heading "Decolonize Aid", she will report on how development cooperation should be designed in concrete terms if it wants to overcome Eurocentric views and power structures shaped by colonialism.

The focus will be on examples from Peru and Bolivia and the connection between healthy nutrition, ecological cultivation and theological education. Interreligious peacebuilding in Nigeria and Cameroon as well as educational work in Tanzania will also be discussed.

Commitment against corruption$

Radio Life Channel is also interested in the work of Christian ministries in countries of the global South. Recently, the station broadcast a report in which Mission 21 was also able to describe principles of its work. It was about measures that works have set up preventively against corruption.

Several years ago, Mission 21 implemented a code of conduct to prevent corruption. The code is part of the employment contract and obligates employees to work against all forms of corruption or abuse. In addition, a representative has been appointed in case someone identifies and reports corrupt behavior. The identity of the person making the report is kept strictly confidential by the representative. In this way, Mission 21 complies with important international guidelines on combating corruption.

► Mission work today - the article in the newspaper reformiert.köniz
► "Decolonize Aid" - Information on the presentation by Alexandra Flury-Schölch in Wabern
► "Corruption and Christian Aid Organizations" - Feature on Radio Life Channel

Hope thanks to your support

Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

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Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

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