
AI-ChrisWoV, International Aid of Christian Women


The aim of the International Aid of Christian Women (AI-ChrisWov) is to offer effective help especially to women, children and young people who are directly or indirectly affected by HIV. Women and girls are disadvantaged in Cameroon due to their subordinate legal status, their often inadequate education and economic dependence on men. As a result, they have fewer opportunities to protect themselves from HIV and are therefore at greater risk of infection. AI-ChrisWoV therefore promotes HIV self-help groups, contributes to medical treatments as well as to the care of orphans and advocates for women's rights. The topic of "gender-based violence" also plays an important role in various offers and events of AI-ChrisWoV.

Since the outbreak of the crisis in the Anglophone regions, AI-ChrisWoV has also been involved in the emergency aid program of Mission 21. IDPs are integrated into existing projects and supported with various training measures so that they can soon provide for themselves again. These trainings can be in the formal, official area as well as in the informal area and range from short computer courses to complete carpentry trainings. There is also assistance for other income-generating activities in the area of food production, small animal husbandry or any craft activity. 

Mission 21 supports AI-ChrisWoV financially and by providing expert advice on organizational development. AI-ChrisWoV is an ecumenical and non-profit association in the Northwest region of Cameroon. It was founded in November 2000 by a women's group of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC).

csm angelika weber bd226cb937

Angelika Weber

Program manager Cameroon and Nigeria
Tel: +41 (0)61 260 22 65
â–º E-mail

Hope thanks to your support

Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

PO Box 270
Missionsstrasse 21
4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

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Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
BLZ: 683 500 48
IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
Account No. : 1032333

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