Evelyn Borer, Synod President of the Swiss Protestant Church (EKS), is the new President of the Board of Mission 21, succeeding Johannes Blum. She received 18 of the votes cast by delegates. 16 votes went to the two Board members Claudia Hoffmann and Roland Plattner, who had applied for a co-presidency. With the election...
The Mission 21 Synod was held online this year under the motto "Sharing Power in a Decolonized World". It was marked by farewell and change: Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Blum stepped down after eight years as President of the Board of Mission 21. As a farewell, his work was...
17 young adults from Africa, Asia and Latin America are visiting Switzerland from June 21 to July 7. As international youth ambassadors of Mission 21, they will spend two weeks in Switzerland with European participants of the Youth Embassy program. The two-year program enables young adults to get to know each other in digital and physical...
Mission 21 is committed to climate justice worldwide so that all people can live a life in dignity. That is why Mission 21 is involved in the ecumenical coalition "Christ:innen für Klimaschutz". Christian churches and organizations are working together to support a Yes vote on the climate bill on June 18. Climate change is felt worldwide....
For about three weeks now, the war in Ukraine has been shaking Europe. The Russian attack makes it clear that peace is not a state, but an ongoing process of dealing constructively with conflict. Approaches for non-violent conflict resolution from the field of art and culture are presented at the current expert conference "FriedensKunst" (PeaceArt) organized by Mission 21. Experts with...
Mission 21 is continuing its events on the topic of racism and discrimination. On September 11, 14, and 17, an international online Summer School will be held on the topic of "Mission and Church - between Racism and Respect." The focus is on the question of how mission history and today's church relations can be understood from perspectives in...
The pandemic is hitting young people hard. That's why young@mission21, Mission 21's network for young adults, is offering a digital exchange platform under the slogan "Yes, we care" on June 5, 2021. How can young people maintain mental and physical self-care in the midst of the pandemic and beyond? On this topic, on...