In June, international youth ambassadors from Mission 21's partner churches and partner organizations from Africa, Asia and Latin America will come to Switzerland.
He said the attack by two teenage suicide bombers was an alarming signal that violence was on the rise again in northern Nigeria.
The kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls from Chibok, Nigeria, will be commemorated for the fourth time on April 14. Mission 21 calls for solidarity with the victims of the terror of Boko Haram.
The work of Mission 21 in South Sudan was the focus of this year's Info and Encounter Day. Around 40 volunteers and people interested in the work of Mission 21 attended, among other things, the presentation on the situation in South Sudan, which is still suffering from the civil war.
Curfews, kidnappings and insecurity: life in Cameroon has changed. Togho Lumumba Mukong, coordinator of the projects of Mission 21's partners in Cameroon, reports in detail on the development of the situation in his country in an interview.
In the new newsletter from Yvonne and Ueli Zimmer we receive news from the women's work in Sabah.
"Gender roles in religions" was the focus of the Mission 21 conference - and it also met with great interest from the media. Television and radio reported on the conference and broadcast interviews with speakers.
In Matamba-Solo, we do not build wells. We train people to do it themselves.
Also this year the Zurich Workday took place in the beautiful premises of the Landeskirche Zurich at Hirschengraben.
From March 8-13, 2018, the World Mission Conference met in Arusha, Tanzania.