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January 4, 2017

Usually Tobias Brandner writes his newsletters from Hong Kong, where he lives and works as an ecumenical co-worker of Mission 21. His current letter, however, reaches us from Chiang Mai in Thailand, where he is teaching for a few months as a guest lecturer at Payap University.

December 22, 2016

How does a female Protestant pastor live in Indonesia? What can she achieve and what difficulties does she have to overcome? Enta Malasinta answers these questions in the new newsletter by Uwe Hummel. Hummel, ecumenical co-worker of Mission 21 in Indonesia, interviewed Enta Malasinta to find out for which reasons people in Kalimantan study theology...

January 8, 2015

The protests of the Hong Kong "Umbrella Movement" were also widely reported in European media in the fall of 2014. In his new newsletter, Tobias Brandner takes us on a walk through the protest zones and shares his personal impressions and thoughts about the polarizing movement.

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