Jannet Villanueva
Coordinator Latin America (Bolivia and Peru)
Project Number: 400.1020
Latin America is becoming increasingly pluralistic in religious terms. At the same time, politico-religious fundamentalism, which undermines democracy and the rule of law, is growing at an alarming rate. These conservative religious groups are well anchored in the political party system of various nation states and are in close dialog with the conservative media and economic and political elites. They often spread messages that are directed against women's rights, particularly in the area of reproductive health. They also discriminate against indigenous population groups and LGTBQI people and prevent effective measures against climate change.
Against this backdrop, education and training in the field of theology has become increasingly important, as conservative church circles are also spreading fundamentalist messages. In this increasingly hostile climate of exclusion and intolerance, Mission 21's partner organizations in Latin America are committed to providing sound theological education and training that enables participants to take on responsibility in society and the church. They are committed to the social inclusion of those who think differently and of ethnic and social minorities and communicate the urgent need for action in matters of environmental justice.
From January 1, 2025, this project will focus its activities on Costa Rica and Peru. Cooperation with our partner organizations in Chile was terminated due to the need to focus more strongly on program work.
The Latin American Bible University (UBL) is a theological university in San José, Costa Rica. In its educational work, UBL promotes awareness of gender justice, environmental issues and alternative economic models that are oriented towards a "good life" for all. Its principles are ecumenical openness, holistic spirituality, commitment to peace and a special sensitivity towards the ethnic diversity of Latin America. Committed to contextual theology, the UBL decided two years ago to make "planetary life" a new key aspect of teaching, research and community life. To this end, UBL was certified as a Green Seminary in 2020. UBL's educational offer is open to everyone and is aimed at people throughout Latin America. The Documentary film on the occasion of the 100th anniversary in 2023 provides an insight into the liberation theology profile of the institution, which is committed to justice.
The Ecumenical Training Center "Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones" (DEI) in San José, Costa Rica, works in the fields of education and supporting human rights defenders. The starting point is the conviction that theology must be in exchange with other fields of knowledge. The seminars deal with interdisciplinary issues from theology, economics, environmental and social sciences. The DEI draws its inspiration from Latin American liberation theologies and is committed to the protection of human rights defenders.
The "Asociación Educativa Teológica Evangélica" (AETE) is a training center for evangelical-ecumenical theology in Peru. It trains full-time pastors as well as volunteers and religiously interested people for church and social commitment. Among other things, the ability to initiate processes of change in the respective environment is imparted. AETE was first founded by Protestant churches from the ecumenical environment as a Peruvian branch of the Latin American Bible University UBL in Costa Rica. Since 2012, it has been functioning independently of UBL.
The theological institute "Seminario Andino San Pablo" (SASP) offers basic theological training as well as university theological training. The university training is aimed at future pastors and takes place in collaboration with the Universidad Biblica Latinoamericana (UBL) in Costa Rica. SASP is based in the city of Huancayo in the Peruvian Central Andes. One of the main focuses of the SASP is the promotion of women and intercultural dialogue. To this end, the Institute conducts theology courses in communities in the nearby rainforest, as well as in the Central (Cerro de Pasco and Huanuco) and Southern Andes (Puno, Apurimac).
In the Latin American context, theological educational institutions that are committed to contextual liberation theology teaching and research make an important contribution to the social inclusion of socially marginalized and vulnerable population groups (SDGs 10.2 and 16.7). The aim is to provide students with a sound theological education and training that enables them to take on responsibility in society and the church.
Ecumenism, interculturality, environmental and gender justice are important cross-cutting themes during training. The institutions particularly promote the training and further education of women, who are still underrepresented in leadership positions and discriminated against by a misogynistic interpretation of the Bible, among other things.
The educational opportunities offered by our partners are open to anyone interested in a theological training or further education program.
The Casa DEI" protection center is aimed at threatened human rights defenders from all over Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Higher academic education is aimed at prospective pastors, leaders of church organizations and professionals interested in theology or Christian religious education. In order to expand the circle of potential theology students, our partners have expanded their existing virtual study program so that students from all over Latin America and the Caribbean can participate.
The low-threshold offers (courses, workshops) are aimed at members of communities and social movements as well as theologians and animators. This also includes particularly vulnerable population groups such as women, young people, indigenous people and African-Americans. These people only have limited access to educational opportunities. They experience discrimination and exclusion due to poverty, their commitment to the environment and human rights, their ethnic and social characteristics or their sexual orientation. The courses strengthen their ability to participate in church and society and promote a self-determined life.
Our partner organizations implement the following activities in their projects:
The UBL offers comprehensive virtual theology studies with a state-recognized degree (licentiate in biblical studies or theology) for students from all over Latin America. It is possible to specialize with a Master's degree in Religion, Gender and Diversity or in Theology and Interculturality in collaboration with the National University of UNA.
The DEI organizes an annual four-week intensive course on a current socio-political topic. This offers participants the opportunity to analyze mechanisms of violence, discrimination and exploitation of people and the environment in Latin America and to derive impulses for their own commitment. In addition, the DEI runs a protection program for threatened human rights defenders, the "Casa DEI". The program includes accommodation, meals and psychosocial support as well as further training courses to strengthen resilience and clarify future prospects.
AETE promotes self-determination and leadership skills by offering low-threshold courses for women from local, mostly conservative church communities in Lima, Chiclayo and Cajamarca. An important aspect of the courses is the prevention of gender-specific violence. To this end, AETE deliberately relies on workshop leaders who are familiar with the religious and church context and are respected by pastors. AETE thus makes an important contribution to the prevention and removal of taboos surrounding violence against women in churches and, if necessary, also arranges professional help for those affected by violence. AETE also offers a diploma course on Latin American theology and pastoral care and further training courses.
The SASP is closely linked to the UBL and provides students with a foundation course in Bible and theology and a diploma course aimed primarily at women involved in the church. The SASP pays particular attention to the pedagogical placement and support of participants, as they often come from very conservative churches. Thanks to an agreement with the UBL, particularly interested students can continue their studies and obtain a state-recognized degree.
Project budget 2025
CHF 195'500
Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel
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