Our colleague Daniel Gloor is a lecturer in biblical studies at the STS Theological Seminary in Sabah, Malaysia. There he discusses the appearance of Sâtân in the Old Testament with his students - sometimes a rather complicated matter. Daniel Gloor has also undergone further training himself and reports on his experiences in his newsletter...
Our colleague Daniel Gloor is a lecturer in biblical studies at the STS Theological Seminary in Sabah, Malaysia. He has experienced very special Christmas celebrations in two small congregations deep in the Malaysian hinterland of Borneo. He reports on this in his newsletter. In his current newsletter, Daniel Gloor also addresses a very serious topic....
Daniel Gloor has been teaching theology in Malaysia for almost twenty years. His students at the theological seminary in Sabah (STS) are interested in teaching, but hardly active politically, says the international staff member of Mission 21. Quite different are the students in Latin America, whom he recently met during a stay in Peru and Costa Rica....
Daniel Gloor works as a theology lecturer in Malaysia. The coexistence of different religious groups is a central theme in his everyday life. He teaches the subject "World Religions" at the Theological Seminary in Sabah and experiences there that his students are partly afraid to deal with other religions. They fear that studying other religions could...
What is a Christmas celebration like in an evangelical free church in Malaysia? What does Omikron mean for teaching at the Theological Seminary in Sabah, Malaysia? And why do foreigners residing in Malaysia have to leave the country after three years for a period of "cooling off"?
Daniel Gloor reports on the events that have kept him on his toes recently. His new newsletter contains accounts of hornets, landslides and bureaucratic labyrinths - a worthwhile read.
Daniel Gloor teaches on behalf of Mission 21 at Sabah Theological Seminary (STS), Malaysia.
Fever, lung pain, unexplained exhaustion: For our international employee Daniel Gloor, the year in Malaysia began with an illness for which one would immediately be tested for Covid-19 today. But in January, the tests didn't yet exist. Whatever he was suffering from: Fortunately, Daniel Gloor, who works as a lecturer at...
Interreligious dialogue is more important than ever in Sabah (Malaysia). Daniel Gloor describes in his new newsletter how religious intolerance is increasing in Malaysia. His work as a lecturer at Sabah Theological Seminary (STS) is therefore of great importance.
Daniel Gloor had to wait two years for his new work permit for Malaysia. Freed from this worry, the international co-worker of Mission 21 can now teach more carefree at the STS theological college in Sabah. In his tenth newsletter, he reports on the many facets of his everyday life in Malaysia.
Daniel Gloor has returned to Sabah (Malaysia) after his stay in Jordan and reports from his daily life at the STS (Theological Seminary in Sabah).