All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Today, Human Rights Day, the day commemorating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, marks the end of the International Campaign 16 Days Against Violence Against Women. Over the past 16 days, organizations and activists around the world have made it clear that women's rights are human rights....
From 25 November to 10 December, thousands of organizations worldwide are calling for action against violence against women. Mission 21's partner organizations in Africa, Asia and Latin America are also taking part. Mission 21 in Basel is also raising awareness of the issue through a social media campaign. Violence against women and non-binary people is...
The sixth episode of Mission 21's "Voices of Hope" podcast series reports on the work of our partner organization Machaqa Amawta in Bolivia against violence against women and children. A touching report about courage and perseverance. In this episode of Voices of Hope, Hildegard Willer from Bolivia reports on the commitment of the...
Lake Arapa: the region at an altitude of 3,800 meters is one of the most beautiful places in Peru, enthuses Hildegard Willer. In the fifth episode of the podcast series "Voices of Hope" (Voces de Esperanza), the journalist takes us to the countryside - to meet women who are concerned about the well-being of their families as well as...
GKP, Mission 21's Indonesian partner church, protects women from violence with its facilities and campaigns for the well-being and rights of women. This work has now been recognized. The Protestant Reformed Sunda Church (GKP), a partner of Mission 21, received an award on October 16, 2024 for its commitment in the field of...
This year's "16 days against violence against women" campaign ended on December 10, Human Rights Day. Mission 21 took part with a selfie campaign and shared posts from partners in the Global South. A message from the Federal Parliament shows that the joint commitment to gender equality is worthwhile: a motion for additional...
Great honor for former Mission 21 employee, Pastor Hans Lutz. He received an honorary doctorate at the Dies Academicus 2023 of the University of Basel. Hans Lutz has worked for the Basel Mission for over 50 years and then for Mission 21 in Hong Kong. As part of this work, he will now...
Surprisingly, the Federal Council does not want to fund a new national prevention campaign against violence after all - even though Parliament has instructed it to do so. More than 170 Swiss organizations that campaign against violence have therefore written an open letter to the Federal Council. Mission 21 also signs this letter, which calls on the Federal Council to reverse this decision.
More gender justice worldwide. Mission 21 also wants to come closer to this goal thanks to a new expert committee. The "Advisory Board Gender Justice" has started its work and discussed Mission 21's work in depth at its online meeting on August 29. The new advisory board is international in scope and also counts on the...
What role do men play on the path to gender justice? Key people from Mission 21's international network addressed this question in the Positive Masculinities workshop. Action plans emerged to involve men more actively in gender justice work. "The issue affects every one of our projects and all of our partner organizations," said...