Now it's definite: on 22 May, the Federal Council adopted the long-awaited Dispatch on the International Cooperation Strategy 2025-2028 - and is sticking to financing the reconstruction of Ukraine at the expense of the Global South. "An extraordinary situation such as the war in Ukraine requires extraordinary resources; the...
A volunteer distributes a hot lunch to schoolchildren in the Pochalla region. Around 350 children receive a hot meal every day.
This year's "16 days against violence against women" campaign ended on December 10, Human Rights Day. Mission 21 took part with a selfie campaign and shared posts from partners in the Global South. A message from the Federal Parliament shows that the joint commitment to gender equality is worthwhile: a motion for additional...
"More solidarity now" - with this slogan, development cooperation organizations are calling on the Federal Council not to make savings at the expense of the poorest countries. In particular, the important support for Ukraine should be financed from an additional fund - not at the expense of development cooperation. Mission 21 supports this campaign. The campaign is being launched...
More gender justice worldwide. Mission 21 also wants to come closer to this goal thanks to a new expert committee. The "Advisory Board Gender Justice" has started its work and discussed Mission 21's work in depth at its online meeting on August 29. The new advisory board is international in scope and also counts on the...
Already, the climate crisis is having a significant impact on the environment and the lives of people around the world. In our project countries, heavy rainfall and droughts are impacting food sovereignty. That is why Mission 21, as a member of the Swiss Climate Alliance, is working for more climate justice and thus on 18....
What role do men play on the path to gender justice? Key people from Mission 21's international network addressed this question in the Positive Masculinities workshop. Action plans emerged to involve men more actively in gender justice work. "The issue affects every one of our projects and all of our partner organizations," said...
March 8 is International Women's Day. Mission 21 is part of the global commitment to gender justice. We empower women and girls, advocate for their rights, and promote equality in decision-making structures and leadership positions. Day after day, we set effective signs for gender justice.
Taiwan is the focus of this year's Women's World Day of Prayer. On March 3, thousands of churches around the world will celebrate services with the same liturgy, prepared by women from Taiwan. It is about social and ecological commitment. The collections are used for projects and activities for gender justice. Mission 21 is also part of the World Day of Prayer....
Mission 21 is committed to climate justice worldwide so that all people can live a life in dignity. That is why Mission 21 is involved in the ecumenical coalition "Christ:innen für Klimaschutz". Christian churches and organizations are working together to support a Yes vote on the climate bill on June 18. Climate change is felt worldwide....