The June issue of our magazine "begegnen" is here

Samwel and staff at the vocational school in Kyela. Photo Adrienne Sweetman, Mission 21

Samwel (second from right) is training to be a carpenter at the Moravian Church vocational school in Kyela, Tanzania. Photo Adrienne Sweetman, Mission 21

The magazine "encounter" is Mission 21's donor magazine. It is published four times a year. The magazine contains information and stories about Mission 21's projects and the people behind them.

The current issue focuses on the inclusion of people with disabilities in Tanzania, among other topics.

For people with disabilities, there is hardly any equal participation in society in many places. How can we break down barriers - both in the infrastructure and in our minds? This question is explored in the new issue of "begegnen" using the example of Tanzania. Inclusion has gained importance here, for example in the vocational schools of the Moravian Church. But there are still many hurdles.

Also in this issue: How our partner organization Machaqa Amawta is working to combat sexual and gender-based violence in Bolivia, why young women in Cameroon had to knit socks in 1915, and more stories from our projects and our partners.

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Protestant Mission Basel

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